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The Importance of Thyroid & Adrenal Function

In today’s world, it’s common for women to struggle with low energy, anxiety, weight management, emotional instability, low libido, infertility, and sleep issues. These symptoms may all be related to imbalances in the thyroid and adrenal glands. We will discuss the roles of these glands, the symptoms associated with gland imbalances, nutrition tips, and lifestyle changes to help you function at your best.

What are Thyroid Glands?

The thyroid is located in the neck with two lateral lobes on either side of the larynx. It’s the largest of the endocrine glands and is responsible for producing thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3), the two hormones that regulate metabolism. The thyroid uses iodine and converts it into these thyroid hormones. Other responsibilities include regulating the body’s temperature and hair growth.

Thyroid hormones work with your ovaries and interact with many hormones like insulin, cortisol, estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone. The health of the thyroid is also connected to the adrenal glands. When one of these gets out of balance, it affects the others. In traditional medicine, most tests will only indicate a thyroid imbalance after you have lost over 70% of your thyroid function. It isn't that these tests are incredibly inaccurate, rather they are not conducting a full-scale comprehensive test. We do offer thyroid testing at Spirit of Health that does provide a comprehensive view of the entire system. The main difference is that the traditional thyroid tests don't typically include all of the proper markers and they don't know and/or explain how the markers relate to one another. The traditional medical tests also don't use functional medicine ranges, which are more accurate. You could also look into taking a basal body temperature test. They are a great tool and are mainly helpful in that they can show a correlation between low temperatures and hypothyroidism.

Symptoms of Thyroid Weakness:

  • Hypothyroidism (Under-active thyroid gland)

    • Sluggishness

    • Weight gain

    • Cold body temperature

    • Poor quality hair, skin and nails

    • Hair loss

    • Dry skin

    • Brain fog

    • Emotional instability/depression

    • Low libido and infertility

    • Constipation

    • Puffy face

    • Heavy menstrual cycle

  • Hyperthyroidism (Overactive)

    • Rapid heartbeat

    • Difficulty sleeping

    • Enlarged thyroid (goiter)

    • Bulging Eyes

    • Irritability

    • Infertility

    • Light menstrual periods

    • Unexplained weight loss

    • Always feeling warm and sweating

    • Nervousness

    • Warm, moist palms

    • Heat intolerance

If you are experiencing some of these symptoms, there are several nutritional changes you can make to your diet to improve the function of your thyroid. Here are the foods you should avoid and foods to consume more.

Nutritional Tips:

  • Avoid:

    • All soy, it’s estrogenic and damaging to thyroid function

    • Processed sugars

    • Processed grains and all grains that contain gluten as they are difficult to digest and can lead to autoimmune conditions

    • All dairy as it forms mucus and congests the thyroid

    • Fluoride and chlorine in our water and toothpaste interfere with thyroid function. Always filter your water and say no to fluoride at the dentist.

  • Consume:

    • Mineral-rich foods high in iodine like seaweeds, sea vegetables, sea moss, and raw nuts & seeds to help the thyroid produce hormones.

    • Healthy fats like coconut, avocado, and olives are also great.

Lifestyle Changes:

  • The thyroid protects us and can weaken when exposed to toxins. Avoid toxins like radiation, chemotherapy, x-rays, heavy metals, and all human-made chemicals. Flush toxins by adding our Spirit of Health Heavy Metal Cleanse to the end of your cleansing schedule.

  • It’s also important to avoid products with estrogen as high levels cause a thyroid imbalance. Avoid hormones in meat and dairy, soy, and synthetic hormones from make-up, plastics, herbicides, and pesticides.

  • If you are taking synthetic thyroid hormones, consider natural alternatives. Learn more about that here.

  • Get more exercise, walk around outside barefoot, and connect with nature and God to help bring healing to your thyroid!

What are Adrenal Glands?

The Adrenal Glands are small glands located on the top of each kidney. These are some of the most important glands in the body. They produce neurotransmitters such as epinephrine (adrenaline), norepinephrine, and dopamine that affect almost every tissue in the body. The adrenals are also responsible for producing cortical-type steroids or hormones that affect muscle, nerve, gastrointestinal, and cardiovascular tissues. These steroids are crucial for combating inflammatory processes in the body.

Without the proper function of these important glands, you’ll start experiencing many different symptoms. Some of these symptoms are mood and energy-related like fatigue, depression, and anxiety. Other symptoms can be related to cravings or weight gain. Here is a list of symptoms associated with adrenal fatigue.

 Symptoms of Adrenal Fatigue:

  • Fatigue: chronic, or often having an afternoon crash around 3-5 pm, or overwhelming fatigue

  • Difficulty with focus, concentration, memory, and willpower (ADD/ADHD)

  • Hyperactivity: this is usually a lack of energy as the body is exhausted and we continue to push it further

  • Sleep Problems

  • Depression: feelings of exhaustion get the best of your mood so you focus on the negative

  • Difficulty handling stress/anxiety, and even as extreme as panic attacks

  • Feeling easily worried, fearful, overwhelmed, and struggling to handle basic life situations

  • Major cravings for sugar or caffeine, often uncontrollable

  • Low blood pressure, low blood sugars, and difficulty managing blood sugars

  • Abnormal cravings for salt

  • Weight gain around the middle

  • Loss of libido/sexual function

  • Allergies, asthma, eczema, and psoriasis from the weakened adrenals inability to properly produce steroid hormones

If you experience some of these symptoms, there are several nutritional changes you can make to your diet to improve the function of your adrenal glands. Let’s take a look at the foods you should avoid and foods you should consume more.

Nutritional Tips:

  • Avoid

    • Coffee, energy drinks, and all other stimulants which cause a hyperactive nervous system and block the adrenals from healing

    • Processed grains which can stress the adrenals

    • Processed sugars which can stress the adrenals

  • Consume

    • Fruit as your primary fuel source

    • Whole grains and ancient seed grains in moderation like quinoa, millet, and buckwheat

    • Healthy fats (in moderation) help adrenals and blood sugar levels (avocado, coconut, olives, and fish)

    • Minerals and hydration (add unprocessed sea salt to water)

    • B and C vitamins

Lifestyle Changes:

There are several lifestyle changes you can make to help maintain the health of your adrenals. Simple things like deep breathing and quiet time can help turn off the stress response. Going to sleep early, getting adequate exercise, and connecting with God through nature are all great ways to help support your adrenal glands and improve your overall health.

What Products Help Both the Thyroid and Adrenals?

These products offer natural methods to support and strengthen the thyroid and adrenal glands.

  1. Spirit of Health Endocrine Support Powder

  2. Spirit of Health Adaptogen Power Powder

  3. Dr. Morse Endocrine Balance

  4. Dr. Morse Gland Tonic.

  5. Shop Dr. Morse Detox Kits to cleanse and clear blockages associated with the glands and other organs.