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10 Tips to Reset Your Body

We've all found ourselves practicing unhealthy wellness habits. Whether by consuming processed foods, to drinking copious amounts of caffeine, to getting little to no sleep or exercise; we have put our bodies through the wringer. If you're feeling sluggish, drained, bloated, and yes, even restless—don't fret, because today is a great day to hit the reset button on your wellness journey.

Take a look at our ten tips to reset your body and mind on the road to wellness. If this seems overwhelming, go slowly. Add one step per week until you've incorporated them all into your daily life. And remember, health is a journey. Strive for consistency, not perfection. 

1. Eliminate Caffeine. 

Don't freak out. We know the thought of letting go of your beloved coffee or favorite soda can feel overwhelming. We often hear about the studies in support of drinking coffee - or caffeine in general - and while we realize the benefits, we too often see it abused to the point of harm. When caffeine is over consumed it has the potential to exhaust the adrenal glands, weaken the immune system, and cause inflammation in the body. Once you make up your mind to let go of caffeine, you may be pleasantly surprised that after a few days you have good, sustainable energy throughout the day. This is much better than the ups and downs that come with caffeine. So let go of the caffeine and embrace refreshing water and herbal teas. If you need a boost, try green tea, matcha, or herbal formulas with ginseng or endocrine balancing herbs. 

2. Eliminate Alcohol.

Did you know that people who consume alcohol put stress on the adrenals which causes unhealthy cravings and exhaustion? Additionally, drinking alcohol can cause liver weakness or fatty liver which can lead to numerous health problems, including hormonal imbalances that affect the thyroid gland, estrogen levels in women, hair loss, erectile dysfunction, and a beer belly in men. We encourage you to eliminate alcohol from your diet to promote a healthy, healing environment.

3. Eliminate White.

White sugar. White rice. White flour. While these products may taste great alone or mixed with other ingredients, they can wreak havoc on the body. Consuming too much sugar can lead to many health conditions, including hormone imbalance, adrenal fatigue, diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, chronic back pain, autism, MS, and more.

4. Eliminate Dairy & Soy.

Processed dairy is one of the worst foods you could ever feed yourself or your family. Keep this in mind: most dairy cows are given artificial growth hormones, antibiotics, and GMO foods. If you consume their milk, your body will absorb all of those things too. These toxins can throw off estrogen production and metabolism, hinder fertility, and weaken the pituitary and adrenal glands. 

By now you're probably wondering what's wrong with soy. Our answer- Everything! More than 90% of soy worldwide is genetically modified, and up to 60% of processed foods contain soy protein isolate. Additionally, soy can create hormonal issues. For example, phytoestrogens found in soy disrupt endocrine function and have the potential to cause infertility and breast cancer in adult women. 

We suggest using non-dairy substitutes like homemade nut milk, cashew or coconut cream, coconut oil and nutritional yeast.

5. Eat Fruit, Vegetables & Healthy fats. 

There's no getting around it; you must eat your fruits and veggies. We recommend filling your diet with 80% fruits and vegetables and only 20% with other foods. The best is getting organic produce since pesticides alter hormone production. 

Bad fats are also destructive to human health, fertility, and hormone balancing. It is also the number one cause of heart disease. Consume healthy fats, which include olive oil, avocados, coconut, nuts, and seeds.

6. Eat Clean Meat. 

You can still enjoy meat but make informed choices and learn moderation. Our bodies are designed to eat mostly plants, fruits, nuts, and seeds. Try to consume organic, grass-fed animals raised in their natural habitat. 

7. Exercise.

Ah, yes, exercise—it's essential for the overall health of our bodies, but don't worry, you don't have to work out like you're training for the Olympics, although you should focus on moving the body and sweating to eliminate toxins. We recommend that if you're dealing with hormone issues or symptoms of fatigue and stress that you concentrate on restorative workouts like Pilates, yoga, walking, light weights, or just stretch in an infrared sauna. Once you've seen improvement in your hormones, especially your adrenals, you can introduce more intense workouts like rebounding (jumping on a mini-trampoline), jump rope, jumping jacks, running, boot camp, or other cardio classes.

8. Sleep. 

Sleep plays a tremendous role in our health; it is recommended to get 7-9 hours of sleep each night. Growth hormones are released during sleep but only if you go to bed on time. Human growth hormone is released in the body sometime between 9 pm and midnight after going to sleep. If you go to bed at midnight or later, you miss it. Many people call this hormone the anti-aging hormone. It's what helps young ones to grow strong and for us older ones to stay young!

9. Reduce Stress.

Breathe it all in; love it all out. When you start to care for your body by relaxing and reducing stress, amazing things begin to happen! God is a healer, and He does His handiwork best when we honor His creation and design. This means listening to our body and not pushing so hard through life without rest. When you nourish your body correctly and find peace, your mind starts to change as well. Your attitude changes. Your emotional state changes. Your life begins to change! Emotions are often trapped in the organs. While going through the steps, if you experience fear, worry, stress, anxiety, grief, sorrow, anger, irritability, impatience, or feel extremely emotional understand this is part of the healing process, and the Lord wants to reveal and heal these emotional issues.

10. Cleanse.

After years of research, studying, and practical experience, we have come to the same conclusion as practically all natural health practitioners throughout history: we, unfortunately, are toxic! Almost all sickness and disease are the same thing: acidosis and toxicity of the human vessel.

To set your body up for cleansing and healing success, try one or more of our free cleansing programs to take your reset to the next level. 


Learn more about resetting your diet in one of our free online programs:
Eating by Design or Eating by Design - Hormone Edition.