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7 Steps to Heal Acne Naturally

All skin conditions, including acne, are a symptom of what is going on inside of the body. The skin should not be your main detoxification organ, yet this can occur when normal detoxification processes are overwhelmed. In other words, if you have a clear, healthy, and functioning colon, liver, and kidneys then skin problems such as acne will not be a problem.

Some of the main causes of acne include:

  • Poor diet

  • Overwhelmed detoxification organs (colon, kidneys, liver, and lymphatic system)

  • Toxic medications that affect the liver such as birth control and steroids

  • Hormone imbalances (which are typically a result of liver congestion)

  • Infectious issues such as candida, yeast, fungus, and mold

1. DIET. Processed foods, chemicals, and lack of exercise have caused our bodies to become sick and congested. Fortunately, God has given us organs such as the kidneys, colon, liver, and an entire network of lymphatic vessels to remove toxins and waste from the body for us to remain healthy. Acne and other skin conditions are often related to infections in the body, such as candida, yeast, fungus, or mold. It is essential to follow a diet that works to combat these infections, inflammation, and allergies while helping to support your digestive system and your body’s natural detoxification pathways, like the liver. 

Here are a few nutrition guidelines to help heal the body without feeding infections like mold that cause acne: 

Foods to Eat 

  • Soups and steamed vegetables

  • Gluten-free grains such as rice, quinoa or gluten-free oats

  • Ginger. Try drinking ginger tea or eating a slice of raw ginger 15 minutes before meals

  • Pastured, organic chicken/turkey and wild-caught fish. Eat a moderate portion (3-4 oz, the size of a deck of cards), only 2-3x per week

  • Greens. Greens are critical for blood cleansing

  • Fruit. Consume a small number of whole fruits like apples, citrus (lemon is best for killing infections), and berries

  • Bone broth. Make soup or drink chicken broth or Bone Broth Protein/Collagen 

  • Eat small to moderate-sized meals

  • Soak beans and grains overnight to ease digestion

Things to Avoid

  • Avoid cold or iced drinks (consume beverages at room temperature)

  • Avoid eating at night 

  • Do not eat leftovers after 24-hours

  • Avoid all dairy and gluten-containing grains

If you need more help resetting your diet, try our free Eating by Design Program

2. FRESH AIR & SUNSHINE. The sun is a free and powerful resource to use to heal our skin. The morning (between sunrise and 11 am) is the best time to be in the sun to avoid burning. In the beginning, soak in the sun for 10-15 minutes daily and increase each day until you get to at least an hour. 

Top products to use during sun exposure:

3. CLEANSING. Cleansing the body from the inside out is the key to healing acne long-term. Cleansing has several benefits, such as the removal of toxins in the body, balancing hormones, improving blood and lymphatic flow, and so much more. Cleansing can be as simple as doing a juice or water fast or eating only soups and cooked vegetables while loading up on blood cleansing greens. For an even deeper cleanse, we recommend taking herbs that help the body during the detoxification process. 

Here are a few cleansing packages we recommend to improve skin health: 

Our top skin cleansing formulas that can be used with a cleanse or on its own: 

Our favorite greens supplement to add to water, food, juice, or smoothies: 

4. MINERALS. Research shows that minerals help to reverse skin conditions, improve sleep, muscle & nerve function, energy, hydration, assimilate nutrients, alkalize the system, optimize adrenal function, and so much more. A lot of soil and drinking water has been depleted of its natural minerals, so it's critical to supplement with a good quality mineral supplement that comes from natural sources.  

Top mineral supplements:

5. SKINCARE. We all know that a good skincare regimen is critical for healthy skin. The first step to this is to eliminate all of your health and beauty products that contain harmful chemicals. The skin is the largest organ of the body, so whatever is applied on your skin is absorbed directly into the bloodstream. This includes skincare products, makeup, sunscreen, soaps, serums, masks, and lotions. 

Here are some great skincare replacements:

6. SWEAT. Sweating is a great way to eliminate toxins from the body, kill infections, and purify the skin. Try breaking a sweat every time you exercise. Use an infrared sauna weekly or monthly (avoid steam saunas which harbor mold), or get outside when it's hot. After any sweating session, make sure you take a shower to cleanse your skin so that toxins are not reabsorbed.

7. AVOID BIRTH CONTROL. One of the many significant side effects of birth control on the body is the damage done to beneficial bacteria in your intestines, ultimately making you more susceptible to yeast overgrowth, lower immunity, and infection. Birth control is a mixture of synthetic hormones. These synthetic chemicals often stay trapped in the body, which keeps your hormones from balancing naturally and cause many health conditions, including acne or skin issues.

Here are additional resources for you to read on this topic: